I found an interesting article regarding iron furniture (wells being the main concentration) in “The Illustrated Annual Register of Rural Affairs and Cultivator Almanac for the Year 1868,” Containing Practical Suggestions for the Farmer and Horticulturist by J.J. Thomas. There is an interesting article about the history of 19th century blacksmithing for context.
Finishing the wilderness camp
In the final installment on the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919, we wrap up all the loose ends. Kreps reveals where the camp is that this was modeled after and furnishes a list of supplies that would be needed for two people. If you missed the beginning of the series, please follow the links below.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a wilderness cabin
3rd Installment: Construction of gables and roof for a wilderness cabin
4th Installment: Finishing the wilderness cabin door, window and filling cracks
Building a table for our wilderness camp
In this 7th installment in a series regarding the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919, we’ll build a table, bench and work on securing our food. If you missed the beginning of the series, please follow the links below.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a wilderness cabin
3rd Installment: Construction of gables and roof for a wilderness cabin
4th Installment: Finishing the wilderness cabin door, window and filling cracks
Furnishing your cabin: the camp bed
This installment about constructing a wilderness camp goes into furnishing your cabin with a camp bed as described in “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. In case you missed the initial series, follow the links below. The next installment will cover how to make a table for your cabin.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a wilderness cabin
3rd Installment: Construction of gables and roof for a wilderness cabin
4th Installment: Finishing the wilderness cabin door, window and filling cracks
Furnishing the home camp: the stove
We’ve finished the part of this series constituting the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. This part of the series goes into furnishing your wilderness cabin as described in this same book and starts off with the construction of a stove. In case you missed the initial series, follow the links below.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a wilderness cabin
3rd Installment: Construction of gables and roof for a wilderness cabin
4th Installment: Finishing the wilderness cabin door, window and filling cracks
Finishing the wilderness cabin door, window and filling cracks
This is the fourth installment in a series regarding the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. In this installment we go over finishing the floor, door, windows and sealing cracks. If you missed the first three installments, follow the links below. In future posts, we’ll cover the furnishing of the home camp.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a wilderness cabin
3rd Installment: Construction of gables and roof for a wilderness cabin
Constructing the gables and roof for a wilderness camp
This is the third installment in a series regarding the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. This segment talks about the construction of the gables and roof.
If you missed the previous segments you can click on the links below.
1st Installment: Selecting a location and initial preparation of a wilderness camp
2nd Installment: Construction of walls, floor, door and windows for a cabin
Building a wilderness camp: the cabin
This is the second installment in a series regarding the construction and outfitting of a wilderness camp from the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. The instructions in this segment go over the initial construction of the cabin walls, floor, and placement of doors and windows. If you missed the first installment in the series, check that out also!
Read moreSelecting a location for a wilderness camp
The best place to start is at the beginning right? I found instructions documenting how to choose a location and take the first steps in making a wilderness camp in the book “Woodcraft” by E.H. Kreps, 1919. Since you don’t want to be starting a project like this in the dead of winter, I thought it would be interesting do installments on how to make and furnish a camp like this. This first section is on choosing a good location for camp and the general requirements thereof. If anyone has experience in this type of construction please comment with suggestions/improvements that you know of.
Camp recipes for Spider-Cake and Apple Slump
Even though I’m one of the people who the author of these recipes so aptly puts it “could not boil water without burning it,” I still take a keen interest in the camp recipes that I come across. I’ve found interesting recipes this summer, including those for slumgullion and snits and knepp, but these recipes for spider-cake, apple slump and pudding sauce come from “Camping and Camp Cooking” by Frank A. Bates (Matasiso), 1909
The author, Frank A. Bates, qualifies himself by saying his book “is the result of an experience of over twenty years, during which the writer has spent many months in the woods, and fitted out many other parties for their summer vacations. Over the camp fire, while discussing methods with other campers, or instructing the learner “how to do it,” he has been asked many times to put his ideas into shape for publication… it is his hope that everyone who takes this little book with him to camp, may enjoy himself to the limit.”
I found this quote from the introduction of Bates’ book amusing.
“We can live without Love – what is passion but pining? But where is the man who can live without dining?”
The following are interesting portions of the introduction to the book followed up by the recipes for spider-cake, apple slump and pudding sauce. Enjoy!