The difficult art of tracking

Harry Yount at Berthoud Pass in Colorado. 1874. See notation at end of story for more information about this mountain man.
Harry Yount at Berthoud Pass in Colorado. 1874. See notation at end of story for more information about this mountain man.

Being a fan of Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead, I was curious how you learn to become a tracker. I found some information on the subject in the book “Mountain Scouting – A Hand-Book for Officers and Soldiers on the Frontiers” by Edward S. Farrow, 1881. I’ll break the information I found into segments. The content isn’t politically correct by today’s standards but taken in the context of the times, it makes for an interesting read. I found the Indian usage of stone mounds to be a particular point of interest. Let me know if you have any additional tips on the subject in the comments.

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