For those of you that have access to a horse who doesn’t mind a few hairs being snipped (a mare won’t work) this tip on how to make a horse-hair fish line may come in handy. I found it in “Practical hints on camping.” By Howard Henderson. 1882
With warm weather upon us, this article about how to preserve fresh fish in warm weather seemed useful. It comes from “The Sportsman’s Hand Book” by Col. Horace Park, 1886. If you have any tips or insights, please post them in the comments.
Hopefully I’ll come across more camp recipes this summer like these for fish chowder. The ingredients all seem to be portable without much hassle except for the milk. It seems like water can be substituted for milk when you don’t have access to refrigeration. These were found in “Camping and Camp Cooking” by Frank A. Bates, 1914